Join Us


LITHME is a COST Action, an active research network accepting new members at any time. Details of the COST Member Countries can be found here, and details of the Near Neighbour Countries (NNCs) and International Partner Countries (IPCs) can be found here. People from COST Member Countries are usually eligible for travel and accommodation expenses when invited to a COST Action meeting. There is also funding for Near Neighbour Countries, though not for International Partner Countries. Further details of eligibility can be found in section 6.4 of COST’s rules.

Why join a COST Action?

Please watch a short animation
from the COST Association!

How to join

If you want to join LITHME, please get in touch with one of the Working Group Chairs or Vice-Chairs. They will help you to get involved. And you can join as many Working Groups as you want! Please prepare by writing few sentences what your research is about.

Way of working

Working groups are independetly run by their chairs. There are online meetings and presentations monthly. When you join the network, you will get access to presentation recordings, shared files and discussions. LITHME has a monthly newsletter and each WG has their own email list to share more in-depth knowledge of their topic and meetings.

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