LITHME 2nd Training school

University of Porto, Portugal
30th May – 3rd June 2022

“Within the next 10 years, many millions of people will … walk around wearing relatively unobtrusive AR devices that offer an immersive and high-resolution view of a visually augmented world” (Perlin 2016: 85).

This is the human-machine era, a time when our language is not just just periodically supplemented by handheld devices but permanently augmented by wearable and implanted devices, adding and adapting language in real time. These near future developments will present linguistics with huge challenges. Meanwhile technology developers will benefit from understanding more about linguistics and language use. ‘Language In The Human-Machine Era’ (LITHME) is a four-year (2020-24) EU ‘COST Action’ research network, designed to encourage novel cross-disciplinary insights on new and emerging language technologies.

‘Language In The Human-Machine Era’ Training School

University of Porto, Portugal
30th May – 3rd June 2022

Fully funded places
available by application

Our training school is aimed at a wide range of linguists, language researchers, and tech developers. LITHME aims to prepare these different fields for the human-machine era, so we want people from every subdisciplinary area.

The training school will be hosted by the University of Porto, Portugal. There is no tuition fee, and trainees’ travel and accommodation will be fully reimbursed after attendance at the event.


Eligibility is determined by our funders, the COST Association. According to the COST rules, the funded participants may have any nationality but must be primarily affiliated to an organisation (academic, public, private, NGO, etc.) based in a COST Member country or COST Near Neighbour country.

If you cannot be reimbursed then you may still be eligible to attend with a separate source of funding (e.g. your own university’s training stipend).

The training school is delivered entirely in English, and we will ask you to give a short ‘pecha kucha’ presentation summarising your own work, also in English. If you are comfortable with that, we have no other formal requirements about your English proficiency.

Application review

In assessing applications, we will prioritise postgraduates and early-career researchers, and we aim for gender balance. We will also prioritise interdisciplinary understanding and growth, for example language technology researchers who may not think of themselves as ‘linguists’ but could gain significantly from linguistic insights; and correspondingly, language researchers whose work is likely to be affected by new language technologies (we think this is most of you!).

The Training School aims at:

  • Widening the knowledge of LITHME’s activities
  • Bringing together trainees from across linguistics, language research, and language technology
  • Providing intensive training on new and emerging interdisciplinary challenges
  • Familiarising trainees with unique technologies developed by our sponsors

The schedule will be split equally between the eight LITHME Working Groups. Our program covers the following topics:

  • 30 May: Language and Computation, Language Technology;
  • 31 May: Language and Law, Language Rights;
  • 1 June: Language Vitality and Endangerment, Technology-assisted Language Learning;
  • 2 June: Language Ideologies, Language Variations and Change;
  • 3 June: Language Professionals, Translation and Teaching of Languages;

The program will include lectures, hands-on work, industry showcases, trainee pecha kucha presentations and social events.

Key deadlines

Application deadline:
14th January 2022

Notification of acceptance:
1st March 2022

Moments from Porto Training School

Host institution

Via Panorâmica, s/n
More in the Venue page

hello [at]
For any inquiries not resolved by the guidance on this page.


We strongly hope for an on-site event, though we cannot guarantee that this will be the case, given the uncertainty caused by the global health situation. The venue is spacious enough to safely and comfortably practise social distancing; but we are ready to deliver a high-quality online (or hybrid) experience if necessary, thanks to the University of Porto. We will clarify this situation over the coming months.

About the Venue

Learn more about our venue on the Venue page.

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