Training school teaching materials

The 2023 Training School took an interdisciplinary approach, with some Working Groups merging or combining their content. This is why the sections here do not correspond exactly to the WGs.

You are welcome to access these materials, whether or not you attended the Training School. And you are also encouraged to share these materials widely.

WG1 on Computational Linguistics

AI, Large Language Models & Prompt Engineering: What are (Large) Language Models? Do machines understand language? How can we effectively interact with language models through prompt engineering?

Language Ideologies and Language Technologies

Language Rights and Endangered Languages in the Human-Machine Era

The following content is a collaboration between working groups 3, 4, 5, and 7. It explores the implications of new language technologies for language rights, while considering the following questions:

  • Are we ready for the coming human-machine era, in which we will increasingly interact with technology that can translate languages, generate text, and understand natural language?
  • What are the challenges posed by new language technologies to traditional theories of language rights?
  • How can we ensure that future language technologies are used in a way that respects the rights of all language users, including speakers of endangered and minority languages?
  • What about highly multilingual and not so technological countries (case of Peru)?
  • Language Technology, endangered languages, language rights: friend or foe? – team debate animated by WG 1 and WG 3 chairs.

The content is intended for students and professionals interested in the intersection of language, technology, and human rights. No prior knowledge of language rights or language technology is required.

Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (TELL)… nowadays?

This presentation discusses research carried out by members of LITHME Working Group 5 (Language Teaching). On the one hand, it includes a survey and shallow analysis of a set of related to three particular areas (Technology-Enhanced Language Learning), namely Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL), Language Massive Open Online Course (LMOOC), and Social, Open Language Learning (SOLL). On the other hand, it describes how two Spanish LMOOCs for the autonomous learning of Spanish for migrants and refugees (Puertas Abiertas I & II) were developed in the context of the MOONLITE ERASMUS+ ( project.

Social Approaches to Language

Language professionals – current and emergent issues

This presentation provides an insight of the contents of the forthcoming chapter of the LITHME volume on language professionals in the human-machine era, written collaboratively by the members of LITHME Working Group 7 (Language Work and Language Professionals). Thus, it includes a draft classification of language professions and professionals nowadays, together with discussions as for this field about

  1. recent/current changes observable in the digital era;
  2. forecast of relevant technologies in the human-machine era;
  3. challenges to theory and methods arising.

Language and Law

This presentation of WG2 is about Legal design, which is a tool to clarify legal content for consumers, that is, lay persons, by making legal content more transparent and legal information more comprehensible. As a result, without having to spend lot of time with analysing and trying to understand legal texts, the client will see the relevant information summarized in a logically structured document. The presentation of this tool is followed by a practical session, where trainees have a chance to try how legal design and design thinking can change the visibility of legal documents.

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