LITHME Working Group 7 workshop 2022 took place at the premises of Universidad de Alcalá (UAH), in Alcalá de Henares (Comunidad de Madrid, Spain) in May 16-17, 2022. It was held as a hybrid event: some members actively involved in key tasks of WG7 (Language Work, Language Professionals) had the chance to meet in person (most of them for the first time), whereas other members of the working group (and whoever else wanted to join) could follow the streaming of several workshop sessions, provided by UAH. The workshop was conceived as a moment and a space for networking, learning and hands-on working. Accordingly, the mornings were devoted to talks, while the afternoons were dedicated to discussions, planning and collaborative writing.
Thus, on the one hand, the morning of the first day of the workshop, we started with a talk about “Public Service Interpreting and Translation (PSIT): Some Scenarios, Experiences and Prospections” delivered by two invited speakers, namely (a) Dr. Carmen Valero-Garcés, Full Professor at UAH and Head of the FITISPos-UAH research group, as well as Responsible for the Working Group on Public Service Interpretation and Translation of the European Masters in Translation Network, EU-DGT EMT-PSIT; and (b) Dr. Raquel Lázaro-Gutiérrez (Associate Professor at UAH and Vice-president of the European Network for Public Service Interpreting and Translation). Then, WG7 attendants presented their past and present research lines and/or projects: (1) Maarit Koponen, from University of Eastern Finland – Joensuu, Finland; (2) Antonio Pareja-Lora, from Universidad de Alcalá – Alcalá de Henares/Guadalajara, Spain; (3) Márta Seresi, from Eötvös Loránd University – Budapest, Hungary; (4) Rui Sousa-Silva, from University of Porto – Porto, Portugal; and (5) Mehmet Şahin, from Boğaziçi University – İstanbul, Turkey. All the talks of this morning session were recorded and can be watched online on YouTube.
The morning of the second day was devoted mainly to Forensic Linguistics, with another talk from Prof. Carmen Valero-Garcés, and to phone interpreting, which was the focus of the talk delivered by Gabriel Cabrera-Méndez (Lecturer at UAH, Certified Translator & Freelance Simultaneous interpreter [EN, FR, PT, SK > ES], and Quality and Interpreting Manager at Dualia). Both talks can be watched online on YouTube as well.